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Cindy’s Tips & Tools for Increasing Productivity While Working from Home: How to Use SUPER Cheap Screen Recording tool

wfh Mar 25, 2020

 Has the recent chaos caused your organization to transition to working from home? 

 Do you feel out-of-touch with your team or employees? 

 Are you struggling to coordinate schedules to share and collaborate? 

 Need a SUPER inexpensive solution to share workflow or produce quick training videos? 

 Watch the video above for a quick tutorial.

After 5+ years of working from home and managing projects with my staff and interns I have discovered several tools that have benefited our productivity...


One of our FAVORITE tools is, Screen-Cast-O-Matic, an app that allows you to record your screen! It is simple to use and extremely inexpensive.


Join me in watching this quick 10-minute video where I share my personal experience implementing Screen-Cast-O-Matic and: 


  • How to find and download the app 


  • Tips on utilizing some of the features 


  • Advice on how to save and share your...
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