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Discover the Secret to C-Suite Alignment & Boost Your Organization's Success 🚀

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2023
Discover the Secret to C-Suite Alignment & Boost Your Organization's Success 🚀

In this vlog post, I share my experience as a CEO and the importance of focusing on strategic priorities. I emphasize that a lack of focus in the C-suite can lead to burnout, unmet goals, and decreased employee engagement. I highlight the role of the CHRO in ensuring the alignment of the C-suite and share an exercise called the "sailboat exercise" to help identify and prioritize challenges.

The sailboat exercise involves drawing a sailboat and having team members write down what they think is moving the organization forward, followed by anonymously listing the factors holding the team back. Team members then vote on the top challenges, which can be used as a basis for addressing these issues.

I encourage feedback on the sailboat exercise and other methods to maintain alignment on strategic priorities in the C-suite.



Machine generated transcript below if you prefer to read:

If you're the CHRO for an organization, you have probably been drinking out of the fire hose for...

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How to build a Talent Pipeline even if you don't have a strong bench

talent acquisition Jan 09, 2023
How to build a Talent Pipeline even if you don't have a strong bench

Are you struggling to maintain a strong talent pipeline and keep your organization growing? In this vlog post, Cindy Lu shares how her team successfully built a talent pipeline for a professional services firm, resulting in improved margins and continued revenue growth. Don't let a lack of internal resources hold your organization back - learn the strategies and techniques for successful external talent pipe-lining.

ps. If your interested in how to build a deep connection with other CHROs, learn more here:


Machine generated transcript:


Okay, so we're gonna talk today about how to pipeline talent, even if you're not a large organization and you don't have a lot of bench internally. I'm Cindy Lou with C H R O Partners. I'm the founder of HR Mastermind Grooves, and, uh, I had a long career in professional services where human capital was our biggest asset and we treated it that way. Um, also, I run mastermind groups for CHROs and hear...

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HR SWOT Aligned with Strategic Priorities (6 min.)

strategic Jan 09, 2023

Misaligned HR?

Frustrated teams. Missed goals. Wasted resources.

Enter HR SWOT Analysis

**SWOT Breakdown**: Evaluate HR’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
**Strategic Alignment**: Align HR functions with strategic priorities.
**Centers of Excellence**: Create action plans for Talent Acquisition, Management, L&D, Total Rewards, D&I, and more.
**Educate Leaders**: Highlight HR's role in achieving goals.

For members: Log into your LMS and search for SWOT: [HR SWOT Analysis]


The HR SWOT analysis is a tool that helps HR departments align their strategies with their organization's strategic priorities. It involves conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of HR's ability to support the organization in achieving its priorities. The analysis also includes creating action plans for each of the HR function's centers of excellence, including talent acquisition, talent management, learning...

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Why a Strong Peer Network is Essential for Success as a Chief HR Officer in Today's VUCA World

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2023

In today's rapidly changing VUCA world, Chief HR Officers (CHROs) and other senior Human Resources professionals are more important than ever. They are continually being called upon to make strategic decisions that affect their organization and the people who work there. Yet they are increasingly expected to do more with less - limited resources and staff, faster decisions with limited data, and greater social issues than ever before.

As a CHRO, it is critical that you have a vast and deep network of peers in order to do your job well. Having an active relationship with other senior HR leaders can help you get ahead in a number of ways. For starters, having this peer group enables you to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in the field. You will be able to recognize potential opportunities before your competitors do, as well as identify any red flags or risks that could arise from making certain decisions....

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Employee Value Proposition, Holly Novak, Chief People Officer at Jack Henry

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2023

 Why Your Focus on Money Isn't Working: Rethinking Employee Value Propositions

Are you finding that your company's current employee value proposition (EVP) isn't cutting it? Are you noticing a decrease in prospective applicants and an increase in the number of top talent leaving for other organizations? Attracting and retaining talented professionals is essential to business success, so it may be time to reevaluate your EVP. With thoughtful design and strategy, you can create an EVP that aligns with organizational objectives, attracts more qualified candidates - both experienced professionals as well as recent graduates - boosts overall employee morale, increases retention rates on all levels of staff, reduces recruitment costs, strengthens employer branding efforts and more.

In this "TED" like talk Holly Novak, the CPO of Jack Henry encourages you to rethinking your company's EVP to gain the competitive edge.


Prefer to read?  Here is a machine generated transcript:...

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HR Inner Circle 2023 calendar available

Uncategorized Dec 27, 2022

Happy New Year!


I wanted to get a quick email and explainer video out about HR Inner Circle Group schedule for 2023.

Please note meetings are now at noon central on BOTH the:

 2nd Thur of each month


3rd Friday of each month

 Please take a minute to watch the video and log into the LMS add the calendar links to you schedule to save the time and prioritize your personal development and network in the new year!

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How is HR like the medical profession and how is it so different? 

Uncategorized Nov 30, 2022
How is HR like the medical profession and how is it so different? 

How is HR like the medical profession and how is it so different? 


It is the same in the way that there are so many different specialties in each field.


It is SO different because many execs don’t understand the depth of specialization it takes to pull off great employee experiences, attract amazing talent and develop compelling leaders… 


If you have someone you love get cancer, you would insist they go to an oncologist vs. just staying with your GP.


If you want to compete for the best talent, mastering all the centers of excellence in human capital is critical.


Challenge # 1: CHROs need to educating and painting this vision of excellence for other business leaders


But not all companies have all these resources 


Challenge # 2:  CEOs can still win this talent revolution by leverage resources like adding CHROs to your board or advisory board - ping me if you want to hear about my personal experience and...

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Working with compensation committees with Melissa Goebel, CHRO (Audio)

compensation Nov 25, 2022
Working with compensation committees with Melissa Goebel, CHRO (Audio)

You have 3 options to consume:

1. Listen to audio above


2. Watch on YouTube below


3. Members see transcript to download in members area (search Melissa Goebel).

New to working with a compensation committee? If you try to research, you won’t find much information readily available. You can easily find information on what a compensation committee does, how they work and the roles of the members but not a lot on how to work effectively with them as a CHRO.

Cindy Lu talks with Melissa Goebel about her experience with a compensation committee. Melissa shares stores of the mistakes she made along the way and what she learned to be successful. In this session, Melissa talks about where to focus efforts and how to think about the board members’ experiences. Keys to success focus on communication, managing expectations and partnerships with the Chair, committee members, CEO, CFO and external compensation partner.

Melissa’s advice on where to learn about working with...

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The great hybrid workplace experiment continues - All the highlights without all the research

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2022
The great hybrid workplace experiment continues - All the highlights without all the research

You have 3 options to consume:

1. Listen to audio read to you by Cindy Lu above (15 minutes or 10 minutes at 1.5x)

2. Read full paper below

3. Download PDF to read later (members can check LMS for your copy): 


Read CHRO Quick Hit Summary FULL paper below...

 The great hybrid workplace experiment continues

Here’s what’s working now—and the best ideas we’ve heard about


You’ve successfully made the business case a hybrid workplace is right for your organization. Congratulations! Now, comes the interesting part: Making it effective.

There’s certainly no “right” way to create a hybrid workplace—and we’ve all been learning on the job over these crazy COVID years. But based on my personal experience and the mountains of research I’ve consumed on the topic, there is one thing that’s absolutely critical: getting your team connected. No, I don’t mean having lightning-fast internet,...

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The Employment Dance: Three Key Skills I Learned from Job Losses - "Ted" like talk by Donna Howard

Uncategorized Nov 15, 2022


Speaker Accolades:

 “Truly inspirational message. Really enjoyed the discussion around being resilient”

 “Thank you, Donna. I appreciate you sharing your journey. Great message in sharing takeaways to help others to bounce back.”

 “Calming demeanor that pulled in the audience, relatable and engaging story, almost no “verbal pauses”. Mature professionalism exuded.”

 “Very polished”

 “The authenticity and vulnerability of your stories inspired me. Thank you so much for sharing”

 “Loved the use of your personal stories”

“Donna, you are such a great speaker!”

 “Love, love, love your heartfelt talk! Thanks for helping us to focus on what's important!”

 “Great advice to focus on what's important. Heartfelt message Donna, thank you for sharing your stories!”

 “Very good presentation!”

 “Great job...

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