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Nina Boone, Korn Ferry's NA D&I leader

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2022

In today's VLOG post we hear from  Nina Boone, Korn Ferry's North American D&I leader from a previously recorded member pop-up group. Watch this today as full VLOG post will only be available to non-members for a limited time!

 Here were some of our member comments from the session (paraphrased for brevity):


  • Managers must acknowledge it is their responsibility to get their employees back on track
  • People give opportunities with people who they connect with, trust, feel comfortable with.
  •  Reminded me about career-pathing
  •  Many jobs have ... requirements that inadvertently perpetuate d&i issues
  •  Getting to the root cause through quantitative and qualitative data - voice of the people. Asking critical questions of leaders on what they've done to prepare those high potentials; gauge their level of ownership and accountability
  • How many talented individuals are left out of the development conversations because no one "knows" them? In banking, much...
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BIG HR 2017 POWER Networking time

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2022

BIG HR 2017 POWER Networking time at the PepsiCo/Frito-Lay Lobby.


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Members ONLY Directory

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2022

Quick start guide:

For existing members: 




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Coaching = Caring: A CHROs best Recruiter Retention Technique (5 of 5)

talent acquisition Jun 17, 2022

We all know how hard it is to find great recruiters these day.  One key to retaining great recruiters is providing targeted coaching to help them be successful.  To provide targeted coaching, you need to have KPIs to coach objectively and know where they need help.

In this short vlog we talk about recruiting key performance indicators to help with coaching for results. 

Hint:  It is much like being a VP of sales and coaching for revenue.


Enjoy, Cindy Lu

Founder of CHRO Partners


ps. Prefer to read this? See Machine Generated Transcript below



Okay. So we all know how hard it is to find people these days and providing your talent acquisition team, the kind of support and coaching they need is what you're going to do to keep them. So when they fall off, then you're in trouble. And I think there are quite a few talent acquisition professionals who are pretty burned out these days. So how do you provide the right kind of coaching and...

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Lean Recruiting tells Candidates a lot about your Culture (4 of 5)

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2022

It's always hard to find great talent but as you know it's even more challenging than ever now.

I hear candidates tell me how their excitement wains during the long silences between interviews and that is hard to recoup.

Keeping the momentum going in the search process is SO critical to getting the candidates of your dreams to say YES! to your job offer.

In today's vlog we talk about a simple tip on how to empower your recruiters, streamline the process and give the candidate a great impression and experience!


Enjoy, Cindy Lu

Founder of CHRO Partners


ps. Prefer to read this? See Machine Generated Transcript below


Hey there. This is Cindy Lu, and I want to share with you one of my favorite tips to keep the momentum going when you're doing a search for a top candidate. First of all, why is it important to keep that momentum going? There is something about a company that is decisive that has smooth processes that is so attractive to candidates. So when there are...

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When to outsource to a search firm - my 80/20 rule (3 of 5)

Uncategorized Jun 15, 2022

The 80/20 rule in recruiting says that typically 20% of your positions will take 80% of your internal recruiters time. 

In today's vlog post we talk about when it makes sense to use a search firm right away to decrease time to hire.


Enjoy, Cindy Lu

Founder of CHRO Partners


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Hi there. This is Cindy Lu, and we are in our third video on talent acquisition. I know it's a tough space to be in these days. So as a CEO, as a hiring leader, perhaps a C H R O one of the things to really consider is when to outsource a position versus when to keep it in house. All right. So you probably have a pretty good feel for those positions that take up a ton of time for your recruiters. Many firms have rules like, you know, we're not going to send it to a search firm until it's been opened for 90 days. And so here's my advice to you. If the position is one of these positions that takes up a ton of time for...

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Give your recruiters the amunition they need to sell your opportunity (2 of 5)

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2022

With over 40% of the workforce quitting to start their own business or take a sabbatical, your recruiters and HR teams need to be able to "sell" the opportunity at your organization.

In today's vlog, we discuss what hiring leaders can do to give the talent acquisition team what they need to attract the best talent.

Take time to sell your recruiter on the role. You are not only competing against other companies but also for the recruiters time internally.  When recruiters love their hiring leaders and the opportunity, they excited to recruit and that energy is passed along to the candidates!

Also help them understand why this is a great job! 

Let me know what you are doing to make your positions standout?

Enjoy, Cindy Lu

Founder of CHRO Partners


ps. Prefer to read this? See Machine Generated Transcript below


Hi there. This is Cindy Lu again, and we are back to talk about talent acquisition tips. As I mentioned in my first video, about 40% of the folks out...

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What's your value proposition to the candidate? (1 of 5)

Uncategorized Jun 13, 2022

Finding top talent with everything you are looking for is tough. And quite frankly, if they have everything you are looking for why would they take a lateral position? They are going to be ready for a promotion.

The more flexible you are on your requirements, the better chance you will have of finding employees with what I call an "AAA" (Attitude, Aptitude and Appreciation) charm . They have a great attitude, they have aptitude or "runway" and they are so appreciative of the opportunity!

In my experience, those with "AAA" charm are the ones that out perform those with just a "great resume".

In today's vlog we share an example of how to broaden your pipeline of candidates by reducing the "must have" hard skills.


Enjoy, Cindy Lu

Founder of CHRO Partners


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If you're a CEO or hiring leader, and you're frustrated with being able to get talent on board. You're not alone. In fact, I did a poll on...

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Summary of HBR’s paper: 11 Trends That Will Shape The Work in 2022 and Beyond

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2022

Here is a summary of HBR’s paper: 11 Trends That Will Shape The Work in 2022 and Beyond


“We’ve been living through the greatest workplace disruption in generations and the level of volatility will not slow down in 2022. New Covid variants will continue to emerge and may cause workplaces to temporarily go remote again. Hybrid work will create more unevenness around where, when, and how much different employees are working. Many employees will be greeted with real wage cuts as annual compensation increases fall behind inflation. These realities will be layered on top of longer-term technological transformation, continued DE&I journeys, and ongoing political disruption and uncertainty.”


  1. Fairness and Equity (issues around flexible work, location/comp, comp for new vs existing, yees with no kids) 
  2. Employers not adopting vaccine mandate (employers feel it’s not their role, fears of turn-over and court challenges)
  3. War for knowledge...
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BigHR 2021 Highlight Reel

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2022
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