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HR's Role in Digital Transformation - "Cliff Notes" on Charlene Li's LinkedIn Learning Course - 10 minutes

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2019

 By Emma Lokar

Watch my summary on Charlene Li’s, LinkedIn learning course, “HR's Role in Digital Transformation”. Charlene Li will be speaking at this year’s BigHR Event.  Throughout the learning course, Charlene explains why it is important for HR to not only have a “Seat at the Table”, but why HR needs a seat at the “Digital Table”. Human Resources utilizes technology everyday through the abundance of HR systems and platforms. They should be on the ground for any issues that may arise, and helping to transform the technology for employees.

Charlene also explains with the digital transformation on the horizon for all businesses HR plays a critical role in the employee experience and digital facing entities. If HR is not having the conversation about Digital Transformation then NO ONE is. HR’s presence in the digital space expands across all functions of HR; such as, Learning and Development, Recruiting, and Project...

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Building a Successful Wellness Program: Eddie Hightower, SVP Teammate Services, Caliber Collision

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019

Join me to hear from Eddie Hightower, SVP of Teammate Services at Caliber Collision to learn about How to Build a Successful Wellness Program, how it impacted Eddie and Caliber Collision’s workforce, what it can teach your organization about wellness, and how it can positively change your employees life inside and outside the office.

Eddie explains that it began simply with “Eat what you love and lose weight” and the entire program is self-reporting. It enabled him to not only to a lot more things than before, but overall led him to have a more healthful approach to life and generally feel better. The program broke down myths about what makes a healthy meal and what does not. The results of initiating the program at Caliber Collision is outstanding; employees and their families continue to lose weight and learn to live healthier lives. Click above to watch the full VLOG interview.   (If you prefer to read the interview, see the transcript...

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Why Predictive Analytics Are More Important Than Ever: Sean Huurman, CHRO Service King

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2019

Join me to hear from Sean Huurman the CHRO of Service King to learn about the importance of predictive analytics,  how the reporting tool can take businesses and Human Resources to the next level. Sean explains predictive analytics can help answer the questions we have been struggling with for years.

Sean shares that predictive analytics allows you to dive into data and look at what it is telling you in terms of attrition, employee engagement, and culture. What that data is showing you is key especially with advances in technology. It helps you to craft programs that benefits your employees based on the individual and help your company retain employees. Sean also gives insight to how HR is more like Marketing. Employees should be treated like your customers, and analytics is a large part of how Marketing departments run.  Click above to watch the full VLOG interview.   (If you prefer to read the interview, see the transcript below.)



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The Future of Work: Shelly Holt, VP L&D, Expedia Group

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2019

Join me to hear from Shelly Holt, VP of L&D at Expedia Group to learn about the Future of Work, and how the changes lead the way for new opportunities for Human Resources to really make an impact on the business.

Shelly shares that as the world is changing it requires a new set of experiences, and makes it an exciting time for HR professionals everywhere. The first step of adapting to these new changes is getting HR executives to pay attention to this topic, so that HR as a whole can be equipped to succeed in the Future of Work. Digital disruption continues to play a large role in what the Future of Work will look like, innovation is happening fast. While that can be scary to some, Shelly explains that no business is ahead anymore. Everyone is learning to adapt with the fast paced innovation. Shelly also gives insight into what this innovation means for startup businesses. Click above to watch the full VLOG interview.   (If you prefer to read the interview, see the...

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Technology Fallacy: How People are the Real Key to Digital Transformation Summary

Uncategorized May 29, 2019

Cindy Lu summarizes Digital Transformation webinar Coming of the Digital Age from a webinar by MIT Sloan and Professor Gerald Kane, Boston College.

 Source: Webinar - How Do You Lead Digital Transformation?

Runtime 1:00:49

Based on book:  Digital Fallacy - People are the Real Key to Digital Transformation


Cindy Lu

P.S. I wanted to let you know that we are opening enrollment for our DFW HR mastermind groups from now until early July.  If you or someone on your team (Corporate HR Director level and above and has direct reports) would like to learn more about our HR peer advisory boards, please click on my calendar link below to schedule a zoom video call with me:


Transcription below by

Hi there. This is Cindy Lu, founder of HR Mastermind Peer Advisory Boards. You know, recently I've been doing a ton of research and watching a...

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Employee Experience Survey Results: Emma Lokar, Talent & Organization Enablement Intern, McAfee

Uncategorized May 21, 2019

Summary of Vlog Post by Emma Lokar, HR Intern (Looking for a Summer 2019 Internship)

Future of Work, What Will it Look Like? Emma Lokar, HR Intern

The Future According to Research:

As an intern for CHRO Partners, Emma Lokar, looked into what the workplace will be like as new technology emerges. Many are wondering what it will look like, and how it will affect jobs as we know them today. Emma shares what she found interesting about the research and her personal opinion from her unique perspective coming into the workforce for the first time.

Many speculate that Artificial Intelligence is on the verge of taking over and taking jobs from people as result. While this technology is on its way it will only enhance the jobs that people are doing. It will have the ability to do the jobs most people do not want to do. Such as the tactical sides of business. This will allow people to focus more on big picture, strategy, and making things better. With this being said

People will have to change...

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Aligning Culture to Strategy: Deslyn Norris, Chief People Officer, Fitness Connections

Uncategorized May 20, 2019

Summary of Vlog Post by Emma Lokar, HR Intern

Aligning Culture to Strategy: Deslyn Norris, Chief People Officer, Fitness Connection

Growing Culture in a Growing Organization
With an education background in Industrial Organizational Psychology and an MBA, Deslyn has spent over twenty years in the HR space. Deslyn is incredibly passionate about the proactive side of HR such as: Leadership Development, Culture, Engagement, scaling and growing a team very quickly, and it all begins with a strong culture within a company. When Deslyn joined Top Golf there were 900 employees, and when she left there were 1,800 employees, she shares “through all of that growth the company is always focused on culture”.

The Fun vs. The Culture
In many organizations it is common for culture to be mistaken for perks. A lot of times you hear leaders talking about “How do you save company culture?”, and HR is viewed as the keeper of culture. Leaders are focusing on the perks such...

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3 Must-Have Soft Skills for CHROs: Dave Pace, CEO Jamba Juice (prior) and CHRO (Starbucks)

Uncategorized Apr 17, 2019

Summary of Guest Speaker by Emma Lokar, HR Intern

3 Must-Have Soft Skills for CHROs: Dave Pace, CEO Jamba Juice (prior) and CHRO (Starbucks)

Soft Skills
Dave Pace  shares his advice on the three soft skills you need to have to be a successful CHRO, and how to develop these skills to maximize your potential as strong HR leaders. Pace has the unique perspective of switching from the HR space into a CEO role after being in HR for most of his career, and shares a few tips for making that jump.

Business Acumen
Really understanding the nature and rhythm of the business you operate in is an essential skill for HR:
• What drives that business?
• What drives its strategy?
• What drives it profitability?
• What drives goals and objectives of the overall business?

HR leaders underestimate the amount of operating knowledge they gain through osmosis. You don’t have to get an MBA, work on Wall Street in finance, or for a big consumer brand in marketing. By just being in...

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Building a Business Case to get your projects approved: Denise Johnson, Talent & Leadership Development Leader

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2019


Summary of Vlog Post by Emma Lokar, HR Intern (Ready for her Summer 2019 Internship)

Denise Johnson, Talent and Leadership Development:
Building and Business Case to Get your Projects Approved

Building a Business Case in HR:
With over 15 years of experience in Talent Development, Learning, OD, and Leadership Development in several different sized companies Denise Johnson has learned the how to get your project or program approved. In many organizations Human Resources can be thought of as a cost center, and this can make it hard to get approval for programs and initiatives you are driving. Denise walks through how her Leadership Development Program got approved, and her advice for others working through similar obstacles.

You Only Have to Start One Time:
Denise explains it is all about business impact when trying to receive approval for a new project. HR can be looked at as a cost center, because they do not do a good enough job linking the work of HR to what is going to...

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Connecting your Employees to your Org. Purpose: Sherry Vidal-Brown, CHRO, G6 on

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2019

Summary of Vlog Post by Emma Lokar, HR Intern (Ready for her summer 2019 internship)

Sherry Vidal-Brown, CHRO and Chief Communications Officer, G6 Hospitality:
How to Tie Employees to Company’s Purpose

Changes in Organizations Leadership:
As a psychologist, and G6 Hospitality’s CHRO, Sherry Brown, has a passion for helping people achieve more than they thought they ever could. Brown does this through her role, coaching, and helping businesses align people to achieve both personally and professionally. Often when leadership changes, and a new CEO is put in place employees are left questioning “is the direction changing?”, “are we still offering the same services?”, and “what does that look like?”. Upon the arrival of a new CEO, Sherry’s role as CHRO was extended to public relations for the company. The question became:

“What do we need to communicate and engage our employees in a way that is different and delivers what we are...

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