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Is it time for a CULTURE refresh? Paul Hoffman, CHRO of Hunt Consolidated in Making Culture your Biggest Asset

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2021

"In The War For Talent, Competition Has Never Been So Fierce" -Forbes

"Gartner Survey Reveals Talent Shortages as Biggest Barrier to Emerging Technologies Adoption" - Gartner

“A War For Talent Is Starting—Spoiler Alert: Workers Will Win” - Forbes

If you are an HR leader, you don't need headlines to tell you how hard it is to retain and attract talent today or that the employees are winning (and that's good news!).

But the change that is required isn’t just more flexibility or more perks - it might require a complete overhaul of your organization's culture. If that's the case, you don't want to miss watching this vlog post.

Our HR Mastermind Groups had the privilege a couple of years ago to have Paul Hoffman, the CHRO of Hunt Consolidated come in and share their journey on how they created an amazing culture even with such global and diverse businesses and now we have made an edited version available to our community.

Hunt is one of the largest privately held...

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Accelerating Talent Development - Nancy Johnson VP Talent at Adtalem and ECC

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2021

This week's vlog post is all about how to accelerate talent development through challenges and changes.

 Nancy Johnson, VP of Talent at Adtalem, and Susan Madonia, Partner at Executive Coaching Connections discuss their own personal experiences on how to find and develop talent in order to execute their companies' business strategy and how to prepare the next generation of leaders for their next step.

In this video, you will hear more details and advice on Nancy's four-part framework which includes...

  • Leadership capabilities
  • Alignment of your talent
  • How to accelerate your talent
  • How to measure if your programs & resources are effective

Ps.  Interested in elevating your career by building a trusted network of Sr. HR Leaders?  Consider joining our HR Inner Circle Group for monthly small group meetings, DE&I time saving resources and HUGE discounts on other products and services:

Join our vendor free group here:

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HR Leaders are Burned Out and How To Get Your Mojo Back - Even If You Are Exhausted!

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2021

They call me Momma Bear of HR and my heart goes out to HR leaders and all that has landed on their lap in the last 18 months.#Pandemic, #DEI&B, #Retention, #GreatResignation, #RTO, #RemoteFirst, #EmployeeMentalHealth

So when this article was posted by one of our HR Circle Facebook members it completely hit home and I couldn’t have described the state of HR any better…

“After 18 months of unrelenting change, HR is burned out, too” 

Here are excerpts from the article..

“...there’s simply too much work to be able to fully step away and prioritize their (HR’s) wellbeing.”

“...(HR leaders) helping companies shift to remote work....drafted every type of business update and filtered down messages from the top, oftentimes bearing the brunt of negative feedback from employees.

“The competition puts more pressure on HR to make sure their organization is offering the best and most attractive benefits, including...

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How to create engaging corporate events with our TED talk coach

Uncategorized Aug 08, 2021

As organizations start bringing corporate events back and are trying to capture the hearts and minds of employees it is important to get the message and delivery right.

Today we interview Stephanie Weaver a public speaking coach since 2011and curator for TEDxSanDiego and organizes TED-style corporate events.

Stephanie shares what she sees organizations do to help their sr. executives deliver engaging and compelling messages in corporate events , customer events and town-halls.  Whether the executives fall in the "I don't need help" or "I hate public speaking" camp they all can benefit from a coach.

She shares with us the different types of talks beyond TED style talks and a framework for HR leaders to help their execs deliver more compelling and engaging communications to their employees and customers.

If you're interested in engaging with Stephanie, you can reach her through her website at:

 ps. Come checkout the results of her coaching...

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Carly Patterson - keynote speaker at this yearโ€™s BigHR event.

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2021

I am pleased to announce that Carly Patterson will be our closing keynote speaker at this year’s BigHR event.

Carly Patterson is an all-around champion at the 2004 Olympics and the first all-around champion for the United States at a non-boycotted Olympics.

Watch this quick 6-minute interview and get a preview of Carly's keynote talk about resilience and her thoughts about the Olympics this summer. 

Don't wait another minute to get signed up for the BigHR event today (in-person or virtually)

If you’re a CHRO/CPO, Center of excellence HR leader, head of HR and craving a way to re-connect, re-energize and raise a glass with your peers at our annual invite only event, click the link below to get signed up for this amazing event on September 10, 2021, in-person in West Plano and virtually on-line.

We have limited seating so don’t wait to get your ticket even if you aren’t sure about your schedule yet because...

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The Internal HR Consultants Lunch-n-Learn series - Prewatch Video - 22 minutes

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2021

This post is for Students of the

The Internal HR Consultants Lunch-n-Learn series.


1. Please watch the this 22 minute Pre-watch video* before coming to the first scheduled Lunch-n-Learn.


*Note the slides in video show "Module one" but this is actually the "Pre-watch video" not Module one and originally recorded video say 45 minutes but the actual length is less than 22 minute.


2. Please take a Self Assessment and send to your boss or facilitator before you attend Module 1 training session:

Open and then click file--> make a copy


If you stumbled upon this page and would like access to this program you can buy a copy of the facilitators' guide here:


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Paul Rumsey, SVP of Atrium Health. Dec. 2021

Uncategorized Jul 20, 2021

This week our discussion will be on transformation of HR after the pandemic with our guest speaker/facilitator Paul Rumsey, SVP of Atrium Health.

*Learn the Framework used to transform from tactical to strategic Human Capital
*Reshape the way we work to not just survive but THRIVE!
*Get access to process template to prioritize projects during transformation

Interested in elevating your career by building a trusted network of Sr. HR Leaders?  Consider joining our HR Inner Circle Group for monthly small group meetings, DE&I time saving resources and HUGE discounts on other products and services:

Join our vendor free group here:

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Career Pathing for Retention: Felicia Taylor, CHRO at Trintech

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2021

HR knows when it comes to career pathing and succession planning the process can leave employees feeling:


...Unclear about the metrics they’re being measured on

  ...Concerned with their promotion track

 ...Unsure about the impact it will have on salary

To help ease your workforce’s fears and create a career pathing process for retention join me in watching this month’s lesson with Felicia Taylor the CHRO at Trintech (Previous VP of Global HR and M&A at RealPage, Inc.) where she shares her expertise on:

 ...The importance of career paths in employee retention and performance management

 ...Why today’s workforce values job progression as much as pay

 ...Simple tools to help you launch competency-based career paths

 ...How to measure turnover associated with career growth to show leaders why employees are leaving for better opportunities...

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How to Position Strategic HR: Amy Messersmith, CHRO, U.S. Anesthesia Partners (June 2021)

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2021

In this month’s vlog post, Amy Messersmith the CHRO at U.S. Anesthesia Partners reminds us of how valuable HR is at unlocking potential and aligning to the organization's goals through strategy, structure, culture, and the business's language.

So when leaders are asking hard questions, looking for advice, or making tough decisions HR is the strategic partner: 

  •  Speaking the language of the business 
  •  Available to move at the speed the organization needs
  •  Practicing discernment to be in service to the business goals
  •  Knowing what their customers & leaders are facing

Organizations are hungry for HR leaders who can lay out a game plan to get from point A to point B. After years in HR and experience across several industries, Amy has gained insights, models, & advice to position strategic HR. 

 In this one-hour...

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Being Great to your Employees while Creating a Competitive Advantage: Jeff Kramer, Prior CHRO, 1st Global

Uncategorized May 27, 2021

A company who is not customer-centric or focused on employee engagement can make HR feel as though: 

      ...Employees are not reaching their full potential & become under-performers

      ...It is difficult to get anything meaningful done

      ...The unhappiness of the culture has a spillover effect into the quality of service customers receive

 In this month's lesson, Jeff Kramer the CHRO at 1st Global (prior)* shares the value of HR's journey. Moving from transactional HR to a strategic partner and then to ultimately focus on cultivating a culture that aligns employee engagement to creating a competitive advantage for the business. 

 After decades in HR, Jeff has the incredible ability to coach Senior Executives, educate them, get them on board, and make his initiatives business...

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